1/2 Acre Coverage. Good for home, patio, balcony, courtyard, front porch, garden, pergola, deck, backyard, camping, swimming pool, garage, farm, etc.
Light weight & Easy to use: It’s very light so you can hang it everywhere you like. No warm up, Starts working when plugged in.
Maximize the elimination of various flying insects such as mosquitoes, Aedes, gnats, midges, flies, horse flies, fruit flies, house flies, moths, wasps, etc. It is recommended to use this insecticide during nighttime and in low light conditions.
EPA registered: the blue-violet light attracts flying insects, and the high-voltage electric grid zaps them on contact. So you don't have to put up with the smell of sprays, insecticides and attractants. You also don't have to worry about your pets eating insects that have been killed by pesticides.
Easy to clean: Dead bugs will fall onto the tray, you just need to clean the tray with brush provided. The tray needs to be emptied and cleaned regularly to keep the bug zapper working efficiently.